Why do you post things that you yourself don't think are good?
Oh yeah it did, thanks. I'll edit that into the original post. Do you think I should leave that portion empty or try to find something else that...
You could buy it almost anywhere. Walmart, Target, Best Buy. It's around $60. Before purchasing it, though, I'd consider GIMP. It's a completely...
I wanted to try a typographic rendering of a short, cool speech and I thought this was a good bet. "Man, I see in fight club the strongest and...
*They're. And, wow, that's being a ****ing douchebag. Oh, and, motion blur.
Check 'em out and dish out teh CnCzors Mountain v2 [IMG] Art Festival Poster [IMG] Rain [IMG] Constant Logo [IMG] Konclusion...
lol, in the thread for Bird's Nest, the only one (I know oF) that you've done so far, all the comments are like, "You should get the hi-res...
*eek* Just reminded me my computer's speakers are broken. OhNew Metallica songs=more reason to fix them. Thanks, though. I hope what you get is...
Cool beans, lol, Hot Rod. Ever see it? But yeah, huge thanks for reminding me about the Secret Santa.
I don't what to say. It has a very attractive snowman, which is always a plus... a neat-o tree and very askew mountains... a nice sun......
How long until Review Hub is up and running?
Oh, OK. Well no, sorry
No, what's steam?
Interesting idea, but what you should focus on is nicely resizing the images and giving them a border.
Saying "MLG players are assholes" is kind of the same as saying "Women are stupid". It's a huge generalization and it's generally wrong.
Do you guys tend to just jump into forge and go to work, adding structures, tweaking them, removing them, and playing around until a map starts to...
It;s really sick though, I've played it. Very cool.
An excerpt from JSlayer's leaving blog: "I've also seen some pretty nasty things on this site. I know some completely underrated forgers on...
Don't be. Anyways, I'm sick of failing at the typical video games render sigs so I'll be sticking to the stock images and abstracts for now....
Fixed Up: [IMG] Completely Reworked: [IMG]