hahaha that slideshows random
oh kwl, looks alryt
we took the pictures in forge because it would take too long to do all the obstacles in slayer so the easyest way was in forge, sorry abwt that guys
Looks kwl
arrh this name is copied from bungie 500, but bungie 500 is gay anyway
kwl man, a well made track fun to race on
Wow, a great map man! its like one of the best racing maps i've ever seen on Frogehub, hopefully you can get it featured
oh kwl this seems like a good map
oh fat boy is really fun, aslong as that i'm not the fat kid
oh it looks alright, not much on the map though
it looks kinda random
wow, this really looks great
oh, y did the other one get closed??
oh looks cool
i love the incans and aztecs, nice map, done well
wow, looks really good for teamslayer and free for all
wow looks like a good ctf flag map, good job
umm it looks ok, but the problem is it looks like you've onli added a few things and sum more guns
oh looks like an awsome map, sorry i wont download, i think i hav a bit to many maps lol
it looks like great map, sorry i never hav much to say stuff abwt maps