this looks an alryt map, i really like the idea of the Draw Bridge, but how does it work?
arrrh i think this map has been double posted
I have to Say this map looks really good, well thats all i caN say because yea, it looks really unique with its ummm i'm not sure wat its...
Hey man, if you hav problems with money u shud use the Money Glitch Map, its really great! Anywayz it looks like a very good map.... good job...
I agree with GoodWhaleSushi, But i must admit, this map looks really well done.... Good work, i'll download next time i have the Chance
Oh mean, this map looks awesome, keep up the good forging. i would download it but my maps are full, sorry
wtf? someone reported me three rimes for this comment!!! are you even aloud to do that???
Looks like a very good idea for an assult map, good forging
Omg!!! Wtf!! how the heck did this get featured???
hahaha i always luagh at those ads when i see them on tv, there so stupid, you shud put on the one where it shows that lady get drunk and then it...
Hey man, this is a good map but i think it shgoud b under Aesthetic Maps instead.... good map tho
i Really like this map, i like eygpt and stuff so yea, good job, sorry i can't download it atm i have to many maps :P lol
wow this is confusing
oh man i love the maps you make
Gamertag: Pro NZ Assassin Male 14 New Zealand i Have Mic I go on like about 3 times a week yea....
i must say this is a brillant map!!!!
WTF??? an Obstacle corse is sumthing with mazes??? where are you at bro... P.S Yes, Miles is a very good map
I really doubt you would ever b able to do this corse, its soo freakin hard!!!!
haha my m8s done this corse
i think i found a part you can cheat on this map