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This an Excellent Post! And of corse me been from New Zealand, i really like Lord of the Rings, This is the one of the best remakes i've seen. 5/5
Your avatar picture is random as
oh yea i've always loved doing this map, its awsum
This map looks totally awsum
ummm it seems like great gameplay and stuff but i don't really like the map much... sorry, but anywayz good iidea
This looks like a pretty good map, mean
OMG, this looks like an awsum map..... keep forging
OK this looks like a seriosly great idea.... awsum
Umm i wouldn't really say this is should have been featured but its still a really great map
This is an awsome map, i like the tower and stuff, and i understand your new to forgehub, so after a while you'll learn all the best tricks to...
Omg, this an excelent map for your first post... 5/5
This map looks really good, but like what every1 has said could you embed some more pictures please????
This looks like an awsum map, yea like what happy said, an overview picture would be nice
yea you shud probley add sum discriptions to the pictures and yea thats about it. great map....
Ok i'll check it out, but still, people don't really like the idea of going to watch a video, but even 1 more pic would be beta
oh m8, this map looks great, i like the whole volcanoe idea and stuff, umm could you please try and embed more pictures... 4/5
This looks like a really kwl infection map, you mite needa add more tho, But thats just my opion... keep up the good forging
ummm this does looks really good for gameplay and stuff but i think it looks a little to empty..... but still good, 3/5
Ok the map does look really awsum but i think you shud like turn it into maybe a racetrack or make more ramps....