ummmm it looks alryt....
umm this map doesn't look that big and onli has like 2 rooms to hide in or wateva, wtf, zombie maps are sposed to be like that, why do u think...
oh that house of doom map is mean as!!! i love playing it!
I really like this map its just got really good corners and jumps
i don't know why so many people would like this map, its pathetic
I'm quite sure this map has been coppied from this map here!!!! Check it, unless he copied it off you but i doubt it cause hes got 429 posts The...
awwwww sorry man
lol, i downloaded it anyway
Omg why would you post this map on Forge hub, this map would be so boring!!!
Hey man all of your pictures arn't working because where the URL is it onli has [img not [img]
Its ashame you can't save the Clones
This is 1 sweet map dude!!!!!!
Hey man, usally i don't like 1v1 maps but this 1 looks really good, nice job