Yes, that is my problem, i have a message to give, yet i'm terribly ineffective at delivering it. Though i may sound close minded, i promise you i...
I think he was referring to how cool the banshee bomb looks when it explodes.
Yeah. I have 6 classes. I'm so pro. Played some pretty good games yesterday. I still love the Saiga with the sabot and magnum rounds. Got my third...
Sure, that sounds better, but why pander to people? People do things just because they do them, not because they believe in doing so. People in...
I now have the Recon and Engineer specact bundles. **** yes.
I need a Dr Pepper code :( anyone have any?
The falling animation and the banshee bomb effect and the scorpion explosion made me jizz three times at once.
It's an improvement over eating all meat, and probably a healthier choice, but you can do better. Processed meat is additionally unhealthy because...
Oh **** is right.
No it must be legit. It says "You Save: $90.00 (60%)"
An in depth analysis of precisely why Hari is not cool.
it is in HD on youtube.
Just go to youtube to watch the vidoc. Theres nothing new said really, besides some awesome footage.
Sure, its unprofessionally done, but it was a 5 minute example. Thats what its good for. The filter takes parts of the image around your selection...
Can you imagine? ACTUALLY tracer darting a Hind or Apache...
CAF can't remove large objects in an image. There needs to be a consistent pattern around an object that is larger than the object or you'll pick...
Is it just me or are all spartans green? Also, HE HAS CAMO ON HIS ARMS!!!
Indeed they did. Masterfully done, EA/Dice. I certainly won't mind a more reliable NS2000.
I dont care about snipes. I hope they dont nerf shotgun range too much. I like teh damage increase though.
Overall meh. Looks kinda cheap. Light blue is better IMO.