First: Thank You Second: The grid thing wouldn't benefit gameplay. Plus I'm out of budget. Third: What? You cant disable the flags. I think you're...
Ya, but download it off my thread with the thumbnail, this was accidentally posted due to computer problems GOOD THREAD:...
Welcome to Estate. Please, come in... This is a map made by me, Dr Killmore, and my friend, P1MPxSLaSH. Estate is basically the interior of a...
I NEEEED our Estate map NOW....
My God, thank you. Those are the only 2 things you've said that I really agree on. Honestly I can see your point... but you don't have to boast...
I luv your avatar <3 Favorite band
It is against the rules to double post. You also need pictures and a detailed description of your map. This thread will be locked in 24 hours if...
Really... does that remind you anything of Beaver Creek? Sure it's more exact geometry wise - but it's made out of metal, has zero water, and...