The ides of March are come. And So be come of it a Die so cast... I take my leave. So betrayed by ambitions that is consumed me. The dept of...
You have my attention... as well I move that this tread become Sticked it will become popular soon. As far as i can Tell it is messing with the...
Math is the error in science
IT should not actually matter at all the levels of Natural Bundles. You could even tilt this idea with what if you altered our number system to...
So all comments after this, Where is it Taught that God was Lonely? Clearly God was not at all Lonely because he wanted to create something does...
Isn't the saying,"Wise men will listen to the words of fools and choice what is wisdom. Fools only listen to themselves."
I like the look of this map.
Actually, when your referring to physical pain the nerve endings die after constant aching, or burning they burn off. For emotional pain the pain...
Actually the Hell for me would be the lack of feeling or living or purpose in life. The big point most people don't see in the Punishment of hell...
Read some books your wrong, when they the people reincarnating,stop reincarnating they go to a heavenly place with a God creator like figure.
Actually, your horribly wrong. Buddhist also have a god. It is apart of the 8 fold path, along with reincarnation. An interesting point made...
I like this guys addicted aptitude. Picking on a few points the point most christian will lay at your feet in reply to your post is that Jesus was...
So, HOW DID things come into the universe? If objects are not created nor destroyed how do we have any understanding of the time it takes to...
I'm in My Gtag I'll PM you later about that, but Its better to tell people what map your using as well, the date the shot is.
I would agree Good try, I would try and change the shot. You took yours in landscape and the cover is done in port. That would also be key if you...
I think that this was a very cleaver map Puzzle, Worth the DL for sure. Keep um coming if you can. Also have to say the ending was very very cleaver.
Besides the fact You should ask this Thread be moved to Suggestions. Yes, I actually Agree. WE have many maps now, foundry, Sandbox, and...
I like the point that Jesus was on the Earth for less than 3 seconds then.
Besides the comment this is your last Post in this Debate, I would like to point out something. 17 To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your...
Usually what I do when I forge is Get a good scene of what I want to forge. Example here is I want this type of game/map feel of Hallways. I'll be...