It is about Halo4, you can sorta see Master Chief in the middle, but Yeah the thumbnails are so small. The guy in the elevator was just creepy......
They DO need a way to promote movement, and people just camp in places where I have no idea how they get there. Infection is nowadays about...
I just realized- you're profile picture is the beginning of the gangnam style video. I was always confused by your profile pic.
Well, when I see a huge wall of text, I go like: "this is too long." So I don't bother reading it. A better way of doing it: Incoming: Huge...
Yay I feel special :) Also, some advice. I really dislike kill balls in my opinion, its better to just place softkill/kill zones. Some spots look...
I see what you mean... looking at the last page, almost all replies are huge quotes and replies. I'm pretty sure that the Battle rifle has no...
Hello, go to the introduction thread and introduce yourself. Introductions - Forge Hub
The original was good, until 5D and a bunch of other stuff screwed it up. I still like Naruto and Bleach.
No, he just has the Tactical Package Firepower, which means you can put a primary into the secondary.
Hey did anyone read Naruto 601? At the end of it, [spoiler]
I would suggest an overview, as it'd show more, and a description of the gametype.
Then I dunno how to make the cars move around. I still suggest mancannons, and it probably the only way to move cars (other than someone driving...
8 AA's.
It may be possible if you make it a race/rally or something like that, and added checkpoints at each of the cars you needed to crash. Not sure, as...
Pendant- Eightball Deadborough- REMkings Altat- Career
I found this image: [IMG] If someone has photoshop or something here, they can edit it. Or make a new one. I just found this one on google, so yeah.
Hi, I'm not Berb, and don't listen to anyone who says that they are. EDIT: Except for the actual Berb, who you can see by scrolling down.
oh. wow. lol
My least favorite maps are hemmhorage, bonyard and spire... except for hemmhorage, which i dislike but i dont hate it that much, due to the enemy...
I'm confused. One of the maps I listed up there (forgot which) says in the description that its a fanmade map.