explodey form.
He's learning now. Never mind. .......We're only trying to help, by giving you constructive criticism. Yes, I will admit. You worked very...
They're all good in some way or another... But my favorites are the Gasoline one and the Flamingoose one. Check is kinda strange in my opinion....
Its pretty hopeless now. Let's just let this thread die on it own, no need to lock or anything.
He probably wants to hear that. Shouldn't we just request a lock for this thread? Look at the way he thinks. But I dunno, I never requested a...
Something that kills everything? I suggest a kill zone, that spawns after... lets say...3 minutes. I'm not exactly sure you can do that, but I...
Don't challenge Bloo Jay, he makes so many videos and he's GOOD at them, and he knows all about this stuff. Well how should he know that you...
......You disagree with the idea to pick out the flaws? So then what do you want us to say? It's great, it's awesome? That doesn't really help you...
Does anyone else see the irony?
Le muskets. Need to see a gametype win.
Turns out Bleach 507 and 508 were out already. Just wasn't updated on the site I went on. Now I'm up to date. [spoiler]
I was gonna ask the same question, also because everyone I know has a smartphone and I don't. (I probably wont get one anyway.) If you just want...
And HOW is it a ****ing nightmare? Don't just go around and say it looks terrible, without downloading or giving any info about how it looks...
YEAH Obamas winning in the vote (here at Forge Hub). Obama isn;t too good, but he isn't bad like Romney. Of course, I live in Illinois, soooooooo...
At the top it says: Min. Players: 2 Max. Players: 10 But just below that it says: Player Count: 2-6 Players The forging looks clean, though. In...
That is a good song Its too bad I don't have sound on my computer YEAH this is haiku something that i wrote with words 15 words were used If you...
Its been over a week (maybe 2) and Bleach 507 STILL hasn't come out yet. AGH I wanna read it so badly, because that's when [spoiler]
Yu- gi-oh 5D was reaallly weird, with people racing around with circle like bike stuff. Also, about Naruto 602: [spoiler]
Well, that was about what people WANTED for Halo 4, but now its confirmed for halo 4, which is what they're talking about right now. I also...
His face is creepy-ish. And yeah, the elevator guy had swag. Did you see the one on Saturday Night Live? If ya didn't here you go SNL Gangnam...