Offer is still up.
I heard
Its all good haha. I miss FH, need to get my ass back in the zone Havent touched Halo in nearly four months D:
Drunk AND Fragging like a pro!? We got ourselves a prodigy here ladies and gentlemen.
Insane how you been dawg Heard you've been fraggin like a pro
Yeah you could do that, and then you'd have to start paying, though. As long as you havent bought the expansions yet, it shouldnt be too bad....
Blood, gtfo Onyxia bro. That server went way downhill. Come to Eredar! Oh **** just past 3k on wow-heroes!
Just quests lots really. If I recruited you, you would have to make a new account but we get a 300% leveling bonus when we level together, so we...
yoyo do you have any idea what our Youtube Password was? It logged me off and I cant remember that damn thing xD
We're doing the Blood Council tonight, can't wait. YouTube- TankSpot's Guide to Icecrown Blood Princes (10-man)
Lol I love how they say that the video will stop you from looking up illegal scans, although they have scanned pictures in the video. OH THE...
Rarara That one wasn't discussing the actual content :P
NOTE: Discussion, linking, or posting of scanned copies of the article will lead to an infraction. This thread is for discussing the original...