Ahaha! Winly. Your parents are unco. Seriously unco. Here's mah desktop again: [img]
Holy ****. No, no, no, no, no! OH MY GOD! I hate your parents...
That's because they couldn't give a damn about wallpapers. Or anything else, for that matter. LOOK HOW MESSY THE DESKTOP IS!!!
Win Anyway, this isn't my account, as you can see by the shittiness and messiness of it, but here's my parents' account: [IMG] And here's mine:...
@ Project: It's Vista. He uses Deskspace. Download it.
Yeah, they're ****ing win! OMG... Find a way to somehow send all your wallpapers to me... NOW!!!
"I has a mac. G4 power mac w/ OSX 10.5" EPIC.
Looks like Toochie. My favourite is the one I'm wearing, btw.
At first I thought it said whiniest, and I was all like "BETRAYAL!!!"
Sorry Reynbow, you being 19 might not understand. 12 year olds these days aren't like the 12 year olds 7 years ago.
It's a ****ing joke, douche. Gawd.
Lolwin. Cool. I'm on the PC right now, and PRNT SCRN ain't working.
I just realized I've had a needle impaling my upper thigh for the whole of today =( Anyway... I prefer abstract, landscape or just plain...
It's the description for the social group called "Orange People". I'm a member. If you're interested, see my profile.
You ARE aware that you can hide the Macintosh HD as well, right? And the dock.
HELL YEAH!!! W00T! Here we go, I remembered it: We are man enough to stand out from the crowd. Sure, we could have gone with Steel or Brown armor...
She's nice. You watched Atonement? It was winly.
I remember that one from ages ago. Indian chicks are hot. ANYWAY, back to desktops.
Winlol. Hilarious. It's just one of those movies that you can watch many times...
OMG HE HAS SKITCH TOO!!! Hide everything, like I did. That'll get you a free pass into my bed.