That's no log. He's covering his face with his arms. Isn't it obvious?
We say wanker too =D
Exactly. Win, right?
Lol I actually prefer it up there. Looks great!
DQ scared me out of the IRC. He was being such a douche.
I LOVE the last two, but the first two aren't as good ;)
Where did you get them from?
I here
I know. I have it over my mac.
I haz Leopard ;)
What's this about objectophilia?
Wut? Huh?
Indeed, good sir.
It's beautiful. It fits your Vista SO well! BTW Stoj, I don't mind if you have a Stat Bar or any of that downloadable **** on your desktop (If ya...
Lolwut? And yes, to hide the Mac HD, click on finder next to the apple up the top, and untick Show Hard Disks, Externals Disks, etc.
Inorite. Too bad you only have Tiger, not Leopard. And put away the ****, you're desktop's ****ing messy! At least before I new how to hide the...
I like. It gives a good explanation and is funny. But you should have added how Skitch takes the pictures for you...