That leaked pic was around before Reach came out so I doubt it's real. Anyways, here's some more ideas: If you press the arrow buttons you...
I read an article that they were redoing CE in 2011 amd Halo 4 will be released in 2012. I think that Armor abilities should still be included,...
Recently there have been rumors going around that 343 Industries is working on a Halo 4 due late 2012. I'm going to compile a list links to...
I wish I could help. I actually want to do almost the exact opposite for my invaion map, anybody know how?
I know that, but rocket race isn't in the custom games gametypes. EDIT: Nevermind, I found it on their website.
How did you edit the rocket race gametype?
I might have to use crates. I orign=inally planned on doing this: _________ ________ l---------l0l---------l l---------l0l---------l...
I'm trying to make a playable Halo Wars map, and the air vehicle door on top of the base looks ugly when just openned all the time, but is...
Actually phase time limits go up to above 10 mins, I think. I know it goes to 10 mins as I've used 10 mins before.
THat would be an even better addition!
Strangly enough I'm making a ciy map right now. THis thread has really helped my progress. I would suggest making it compatible for ALL...
I think that this is a great idea! If the map is laggy that's the creators problme, not Bungies. All that would have to be done is add them to...
I havn't had much time to play around with this, but I can tell you what I saw that could be changed when I was looking around. I will make my...
This would be fun! I could lead/start it if no one else is yet. We could pick the maps prior to the games. One of us (or multiple) could fly...
Thanks, I'll add you sometime today. I tested this on a remake of Bespin Platforms, not the best map to test with only 4-5 people playing at a...
A machinima would be cool, I'll try it and see how it goes. Asthetic maps will be good too. Hope to see you submit that cool map of yours!
Strange, search didn't show anything. Sorry, this can be locked or something.
I probably won't be able to forge with you but I could edit the map a little and see if you can get any help from that.
I've been making a lot of Invasion maps lately. I've found that the current customization settings for the gametype limit what I can do, a lot....
Very good map, the asthetics are great! Here's a working link: : Halo Reach : File Details