RPG would be great for a new mode like Star Wars Battlefront's Conquest mode. I think that some new gound vehicles should be added to the UNSC....
343 is infact now in chage of Reach. Noble was Bungies very last thing to do with Halo. Defiant was made by 343 (it even says 343 Industries as...
I'm using Invasion Slayer currently. But I need a way for the team that controls the reactor is a teir ahead as long as it's controlled.
I'll definately add afew ines, but I'm also going to take the damage % down to make it go a little slower aswell. Also I really need a way to...
Not at all, but be aware that I may try to recreate this on the bigger maps like Breakpoint. That wouldn't really work in Reach. Plus I would...
That's a good idea, but unless I can do some more for the Covenant I'll only do mac cannonc or air strikes.
I lve to play invasion, adding ou later.
Thanks! There is a 1 way shield in front of the bas, and if they somehow get past that the teleporters are receivers only.
After looking through every Halo Wars map I could find, none of them were accurate enough. With this in mind I decided to create my own. I'm...
Use invasion slayer and set the capture point somewhere the player can't get to.
I think it would look like a giant rhino beetle, and the horn could smash throug enemy buildings and large units.
Also, we need a turret for the UNSC. We have the chain gun but we need something like the Shade turret, but for the UNSC.
I saw 1 map with destructable vehicles and a Scorpion geomerged. Dont know how they did it, but I think the map was called giant squid.
A fighter for the UNSC would be cool, along with a Brute ghost, needle ghost/banshee, and some of the unis from Halo Wars would be great.
The rumors for Halo 4 have just been strengthened. It was announced that CE was currently being made along with another new halo game. Edited by...
That would be awsesome aswell,it would definately scare the crap out of the enemy team.
Yes, drivable Moas would be epic. Especially if you were able to shoot your gun while riding them.
I would being back the Elephant, Hornet, Shadow, and Spectre. I would create a walker for the UNSC and call it the Rhino. It would be a giant...
Did that say 2 Halo games that 343 is watching right no? Halo 4 anyone?
Since it's already obvious that they aren't going to please everyone, why don't we split our wishes into seperate gametypes. It doesn't all need...