Lol, yeah idk what I was doing there, but thanks everyone.
Exactly my thoughts. I love taking nature screenshots and such way more than effects.
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] All taken in the "Halo" Mission, what do you think?
Thanks Zanitor for the review ;)
Don't say it's alike to yours if no ones ever seen it... And thanks anywayss.
At the end, the man cannon brings you right back to the starting spot where the mongooses are, it never brings you over it.
Yep there is. And yes, you just drive on top of them ;)
Haha wow, this is pretty great. Nice find.
[IMG] Well, this is the first race map I've ever seen on Heretic. It was pretty difficult to think of something good for one here, but hopefully...
I actually really like this one. Good job on this, being one of your few photoshop pieces so far.
Wow, nice ones Sarge.
Yeah, if you really want to see the map without filters, DL it and take them off.
Dread of Night 4-14 ForgeHub Post [IMG]
[img] Dread of Night is an infection map utilized for play with the save one bullet gametype. This map was forged by MeNaCe x TIGER and Zanitor....
Thank you Katanga. I tired the best I could without interlocking or geomerging haha.
Voted, you're in the lead ;)
No problem, glad you liked it.
Alright, thanks for telling me. I understood what you're saying, and yeah I know I kinda went back on that too much, but it was just the 'metal'...
Brutal Legend Key Points: Good: Awesome Graphics Beautiful environment-Very Detailed Great collection of metal songs for the gigantic soundtrack...
Are you talking about the one that is my signature currently? And thanks.