I know for me, aesthetics is not only what I'm better at, it's also the part that inspires and motivates me. I have so much trouble with...
Added invis blockers to cover the screens at the top of the court, so the ball or players wont get stuck up there.
ReclaimerX22 updated Infinity Stadium with a new update entry: Update 1 Read the rest of this update entry...
Spartan IV's train tirelessly in the UNSC Inifity's War Games Simulations, but they've got to have some fun from time to time too, right?...
You should keep an eye on Tom French's twitter page. It seems to be much more informative than any if 343's official community updates. Plus he...
Yeah I know there are other windows lol, I just thought they'd make for interesting gameplay. But if they can be shot through like Goat said, I...
Gorgeous! The windows are incredible, don't get rid of them lol. Just out of curiosity though, why do you have invisible blockers on things like...
Pardon my ignorance, but what do you mean by static spawn? Does just placing a weapon down not function like it used to?
Dem windows doe! :O
Just put down at least one new initial and respawn point (forge monitor spawns on respawn points) and you should be fine. If it still messes up...
I noticed a few days ago that there were Warthogs back in the matchmaking version. I haven't touched matchmaking very much since Forge released so...
I'd like to help test it when you're ready. Aesthetically it looks great, I'm a huge sucker for anything that gives me a Halo: CE nostalgia boner...
Put Oddball & KotH in Team Arena. Include Assault & 1-Flag in BTB. A social multi-team playlist with Oddball, KotH, slayer, and maybe even a 4-way...
I saw something on Tom French's twitter feed about possibly getting some water sound effects, which would be awesome. Yeah, I used the bubbling...
Dang that looks classy.
^Well I saw 2 seconds of that video and immediately knew what map that was lol. I'm jelly I didn't get to participate this week, but I was on a...
It's a very smart idea, actually. With the new multi-select tool and the "paint-select" ability, having "select" mapped to right bumper makes...
I'll help playtest. You can probably get other people by posting in the shoutbox too when you're ready to start.
Is he Sean Connery now? Lol Agent Clock tho. Lmao.
Looks like OP hasn't updated this thread in a while.