Map: Hammers Areana Game: Sticky Hammers Created by: Sticky32 (coincidence? i dont think so) Map Description: this is a simple rectangle shaped...
you can only see about half of the house from the pics( wouldnt let me take any more). all the weapons are placed evenly. you dont not have...
Paintball v1.8 Created by Sticky32 Supported Gametypes: Paintball v1.2, CTF Paintball Map Description this is a paintball map using the large...
no the pipe is big enuff to stand in and even jump a little. the sheild doors are at about knee height so the dont protect you much either.
this map was made for 4-10 players, i would have flipped the boxes but the ends would get in the way of the pipe,and i realised spawn killing...
Pipeline v1.1 By Sticky32 Supported Gametypes: Team slayer, 2 Flag, and 2 Bomb 4-10 players Map Description this is my first map post(so...
this map looks quite small and incredibly open for an infection map id suggest a little more cover and maybe make it a little bigger for a version 2
this map looks great love the curved double boxes ill dl.
would download but wont let me sigh in so maybe later
this map looks great. ill dl cause i like trenches but like others have said the outside wall is slopy. ive made a trench warfare map before but...
is it even possible to hit the defenders base with the wraith or is that just for protecting the flag stealer and are the oversheilds in place of...
this map seems a little small for an energy sword, but if your going for a slice n' dice i guess it would be good. other than that it seems pretty...
this looks awsome cant wait to try it