u have to use the [IMG] code on the picture site copy those and paste them into ur post i did check out the pics that have the link tho and it...
goldman i personally dont think u should just say it looks like a noobish map and the pictures r just as good as any1 elses... plus if its that...
well at first i also thought WOW this is WAAAY too empty but then i actually looked and realized that its a vehicle map and it looks really good....
wow this is definately the best map ive seen on cold storage EVER... btw... how did u do those lilly pads? they r with teles arent they? and sry i...
wow... all i have to say is this map is beautiful... i REALLY want to dl rite now but my 360 got the ring yesterday D: and i wanted to start a map...
wow this looks rly good especially that spire-like centerpiece. the only thing i rly dont understand is the doors covering the man cannons......
AH! I LOST THE GAME!!! anyway... the map looks pretty decent but i would have turned those boxes so the bottom faces the trench and so the bridges...
the walls for the zombie? o i forgot to mention the zombie has 200% gravity so he cant get out... thats y i put the stairs and dumpsters...
Well... This is my mini game map called Space Waste [IMG] and now for a short celebration of my first map post on Forgehub.com! :D (i hope all...
wow thats weird... i used double boxes as braces too.. then i finally found that tut also... it has allowed me to make maps i wouldnt have even...
... i have just been inspired to build on a diff map... good job :D
DDjusD its google sketchup that i was nice enuff to provide u a link to if u wanted to look at it :) Google SketchUp and this definately looks...
im willing to guess it was a remake or possibly a inspiration of Sandtrap for Halo CE on the PC
this looks a great map i love the aesthetics and if u fix up those little problems like conkerkid said u could possibly have a feature on ur hands...
wow this map is just amazing... i would think u could edit this and make a v3.7 to have it as a conquest map :) im sure it would do well in the...
hey np :) if ur screenshots still wont work lemme no ill be glad to help :D
alrite well im not too great at getting ppl to test maps so gather a couple of ur friends send me an invite @ AssassinChao and ill take some...
rawrz y did u join? u hate it when i forge all the time XD
hmmm ok... well this could put a hole in my map... >_< i was thinking that it would lead from the spawn point to the big room and... wait could i...
ok im currently thinking about putting a map of mine (once i finish it) in the Conquest Forgeoff... BUT i need to no something... is it considered...