im sure evry1 appreciates the tutorial Norlinsky but now is 10x easier cuz u dont have to save ur pics then upload them all......
i checked out the pics and they look pretty good it reminds me alot of foundation i may dl later :)
this may possibly be one of the best, cleanest, most eye appealing maps ive ever seen ill definately dl and i hope this gets featured :D but i...
well it looks great and im not complaining about the OS cuz in swat if the settings r rite and it says No Shields... then it will only work for...
I have found an easier way to float objects (immovable) on sandbox :D and i am extremely sry for the lack of pics atm... my xbox refuses to...
my sig that says "ROFL, LMAO, LOL... etc"? i personally use GIMP 2.6.3 (its basically a free photoshop) if u want a link to dl it go to...
hmmm looks like a good layout for sure... definately an original layout... but isnt it a little small for 5v5? well idk maybe the pics r...
ummm all im gonna say is WOW this looks like an amazing race track especially since it added something original! (shield door slide) i rly would...
hmmm i rly like this idea... i love games that u have to dodge things like the map i made which remade trash compactor/toilet u no that kinda...
actually my good friends i would suggest using because then you dont have to go thru the whole process of saving them to ur...
hmmm i like the design of the fort very much... but wat i dont rly like is the outside... i mean if there were vehicles like maybe... 2 warthogs?...
well... if the v2 will have another temple then it will hopefully be better... and i would also add another structure in the middle just to spice...
breaks? as in some1 shoots it and destroys it? if thats wat ur talkin about then just put them on instant respawn (aim at the object, press x,...
hmmm this looks to be a good racing map but idk... it looks like the banked turn and that little thing w/ the bridges r the only thing thats in...
wow... i cant believe i never thought of making a logo in a fence box... well i probly wouldnt have made anything good-looking cuz im a horrible...
i was about to say "wow waaay to open" but then i noticed the vehicles... but anyway it definately looks like a good map and it would be...
ummm this rly looks good for ur first map... some things look pointless such as the fence wall covering that box in pic 3 but im assuming its for...
the word that i should use to describe this map aesthetically does not exist in this language... i will definately have to DL this once i get my...
alrite... since i KNOW some1 is gonna jump on this opportunity... you need to embed your pics i would link but... im a lil lazy rite now... i mite...
lulz crooks and nannys... i hope u no thats not rite lol... anyway this map looks pretty decent for a infection map on blackout and i will...