But when both teams try to bait, things do get interesting.
[spoiler] Never seen this enemy type before. Hilarious.
I can't see how this isn't a far better solution, giving the map designers the freedom to use up all of that processing power on their map...
I've seen a considerable lack of coloured loot during my first play though. I found a gold grenade mod at about level 5, and one much later at...
Getting thrown guns with crit bonuses all the time now. [spoiler]
Well yeah, obviously.
The best shield i've found, but i don't know what 'Law' is? [spoiler] And the best sniper i've tried, only because i've focused my skills toward...
With a class mod and the first bloodshed perk i got +700% damage against enemies with low hp, but i found a new one and remapped my skills so now...
[spoiler] best thing i've found so far. It's a room clearer all right.
http://imageshack.us/a/img189/5006/2012092200006.jpg this however i did find :)
na i didn't buy it unfortunately, but i have seen another since, and a matchmaking partner found one too, so they can't be that uncommon.
http://imageshack.us/a/img600/311/2012092100007.jpg i saw a ammo regen mod for gunzerker and was reminded of your post. Just thought i'd show you...
Anyone wanting to coop on steam in 4 hours? from level 1 ofc.
Might be smarter to tell us the item level too, otherwise the damage is a pretty useless figure to judge.
Anyone worked out if common hubs of the map have a heavy dose of chests for repeatable use, like some of the places in borderlands 1 (new haven,...
use a grill noob
I'm actually leaning toward the Bloodshed tree for Zero rather than sniping. Sniping seems to reward patience and standing still, but for me...
just got hold of this mod. I remember it was available for NV and it was pretty fun. Most of the appeal is in finding interesting locations in the...