then why isn't it funny
wtf is wrong with your sig. contraceptives don't stop people having children they just allow for family planning
That would be the greatest discovery in forge. But the idea that these objects have teleported from where you were holding them, to somewhere...
i think maya just exploded. Crashed PC and now all the surfaces i create i can't see, at all. But they are there in the channel box.
If you can still jump on these walls, people are just going to do that. It might expose them a bit, but it's going to protect them just as much...
wanna dj again?
wouldn't that make it easier? In my experience sitting in the base was sitting to be sniped.
menage a trois
I have a suspicion that the Portal 2 intro room may be too small to use, as examples i've seen are generally the size of a 2-story house, although...
For a project, i've got to pick two environments, from a game or film, that i will research, reference and recreate in Maya, texture, and import...
If your going down the left perk tree then you should consider the middle perk that (stage 4 i think) with health recharge when in deception. All...
"/Mysoginisticwin" Misogynistic You may think you are from the great depression but you don't have to spell like it.
crit hit the hell out of it or level up it's very easy to take out from a distance, but when it puts it's reflective shield up you'll have to...
"This is just to clarify few points on your assignment. In terms of delivery for next week, please try to have some simple geometry created in...
Although i read on the Wiki that the only solo classes would probably be Axton or 'zerker for their tanking abilities, we did it 3 times last...
Begin Terramorphous farm [spoiler]
you blew up your pc. its a group music thing -