The thruster pack is disorienting because you're not going back to the exact same or a slightly different viewpoint. You're not even in the same...
Chrst probably misspoke.
Baseline, because I only vote for maps made by people I know.
YOU"RE NOT MINGO!!!!!! get out you imposter
pewpewftw It should be noted that I rarely play anything without vehicles.
I and a lot of other people try to use pieces in ways they're not supposed to be used so the map looks cohesive and not like a pile of forge...
Whatever does the most damage to vehicles since that's about all I can hit.
According to that video the carbine rof is only 1.4x that of the other 5sk guns which makes up for the 7sk exactly. I remember the carbine in...
I recall hearing somewhere that race was not included, and I don't think there's any gametype that will allow easily recreating it.
I think most people have accepted that it's going to be bad and are just waiting to see how bad it is.
If there had to be another 1v1 feature, I'm glad it was this one. Hopefully people don't complain too much about another one of those because...
Excellent work with the destroyed areas. It's rare that people manage to make things appear so destroyed without simply looking like poor forging...
please don't be nerfed
It does just say increased speed, but it could include other things. I'm just trying to hope that the turret isn't that powerful because if the...
Based on the speed that guy may have been using the spec that give you increased speed while carrying turrets which may also increase the accuracy.
Most of these have been reworked to the point I can only tell a few used anything from Halo even when I'm looking for the similarity.
If you don't like vehicles that's fine, but they're an important part of BTB and custom games. I don't think many people are looking for the...
I don't see how the concept of "less is more" applies to eliminating a vehicle role from the game. There's no aircraft capable of suppressing...
Fixed. Not sure how I screwed that one up.
I can understand selling something late in the game that gives you stuff that takes a while to unlock so people don't end up at a huge...