Pretty easy to remember my list: Xbox 360: Halo 3
Sampling bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I'm not sure what you're looking for, but most likely any data you get will be meaningless for...
I'm really curious where that came from and how they define mass killings. There is no way that would be possible if you count terrorism.
Making multiple accounts is against the rules so let the mods know and they can ban the old one or ban this one and change the user name of it if...
I would say go back to windows 7. I know a few people who got new computers with 8 and reverted it to 7. From what I've experienced and heard...
JIP is probably my favorite part of this game. I probably wouldn't bother playing if there was more against just leaving games where people are...
It's nice that they admit it was oversight, but I don't know how to trust a company that can just forget something like that.
If the update is just going to fix a few relatively minor things that wouldn't take much more than a constant value change in the code somewhere...
qft flr
I'm saying that besides magazine size the stuff they're banning has only a minimal effect effectiveness, but scare tactics combined with general...
If I were to go on a rampage I would prefer a normal style (non-assault) rifle. Should those be banned too then?
At this point they're clearly aiming more for people just messing around than seriously trying to make a map since there are already programs to...
You seem to be under the impression no one has anti-air capacity :D
To roll with the fake drugs idea, you could pretty easily make some NaOH. Might be fatal though.
I remember reading this a while ago and being pleasantly surprised it didn't go off topic or become a flame war. Why would you revive this with...
Option 1: Open it in adobe reader (it's free and useful if you don't have it) select the image and copy it then paste it in some image editing...
Name of map: Ractron Constraints:[spoiler] Pictures:[spoiler] Additional Notes: The height between the two levels is about 2 Spartans so...
Not state of the union. I had a class on the supreme court. Very few people here care enough to watch the state of the union address. Uploading...
Since the supreme court is so boring I'm pretty much finished already =D