See? You have your own view, I have mine. Why does someone have to be right? Why is one religion better than another (or no religion)? You know,...
I'm not asking for proof, I just want people to see that they have to allow room for error.
No, I think he exists. However, there is no proof behind it, so it's still something of a... "hypothesis" in terms of science. It's fine to think...
"I've never been to Ireland. I guess it doesn't exist." Science doesn't claim anything without and facts backing it and all hypotheses are tested...
There isn't any real weight behind that point though. You're just saying religion has spawned some evil entities, which is true, but it has also...
Well wait, we're all people. There are good and bad people in every belief system, every government, every race. To pin the acts of extremists on...
This. Pressing right stick or something to reload was just strange. The grappling was kind of cool as was the environment, but the controls...
Again, your trust in the Bible is not a universal... feeling among all people. It is what you believe. (Helpful hint, you can click the [IMG]...
No, we don't know anything God wants. However, anyone is free to believe that. What is alive now is just what conforms to the surrounding...
Sept. 11 redux: Video shows jet vaporizing Also, YouTube videos are not great places to pull proof from.
Holy wars are not exclusive to the Islamic religion, which is what shiruken said in his post. Also, extremists do not define what a religion is about.
Rage is the new game to be made by id Software. id Software is known for its tight dark-corridor shooters, but in this game, they're looking to...
It's funny how our xboxes come with 20GB hard drives, but only 15GB is useable when you delete the extra crap. (Deleting the xbox welcome video...
I cannot continue if I am unsure of what I am debating with. Elaborate?
Actually, I thought I heard some recent games like Splosion Man have avatar unlockables. But yeah, newer games should have them.
Test taker A is given a blindfold and a broken pencil, and B gets to take the test normally. Would it be fair to automatically give person A a...
If life is really a test, why is it so uneven? Why do some people have harder lives? Does that mean those people are better and require a harder...
You know, in the end it's just about being good. Does it really matter whose message it is? We should realize that people already believe what...
I think he is under the Forerunner ship. That pic is nice, I set it as my wallpaper. :P
That's why the red button is there so you can see what the person really said. The bible says you can't just take the general idea and go with that.