Thats how i see it, but for me black ops is a bit to competitive and most people will end up getting frustrated at the game, same will most games...
I got black ops like a week ago and i hate it the campain is pretty good and all but the multiplayer is the exactly the same, the game is way to...
wiki must die!!
Impossible as Jex Yoyo said, i think the most ammount of kills of gotten without dying was in rocketfight with 214 kills with out a death. but...
Looks very empty and very plain and boring. You must have a huge budget left try adding in more structures and adding Aesthetics to the map....
I have noticed this to. it does annoy me a bit. Messes up the game completly
Onyx ranks give you a quite a few credits which u have like 12, they do give u quite a bit but matchmaking how i see it give way more in just a...
Your post is not up to standards, to get your post up to standards you need to have pictures or a video. Here is a Picture Tutorial for you.
Your post is not up to standards your map requires pictures or a video of the map. To do this Go Here
Im sure quite a few people won't or will like this idea. But buying assassinations is what i want. there is not to many assassinations and they...
This map is still really in the building process. I haven't even done the bases yet. This is just a simple preview of a competitive map i am...
Darksiders, it was a awesome game but was really under rated game. The whole story was awesome and the gameplay was awesome fun. Waiting for...
To save the pictures You go click for hi res and download to your desktop. Upload them to photobucket or imageshack and paste the links here....
hmm, looks like they may be adding new gametypes in the DLC, or just releasing them
No problem i will message you when i have the pictures on my profile.
Hahah Thanks its 778 now!! hmmm i can't upload the pictures sorry its my bed time lol. maybe tomorow afternoon ill get you some pictures.
Can't you upload pictures from halo reach to Or can't you upload them here?
Who do you think will win? Australia or New Zealand this is NRL btw
When i tested it today with ShKia the falcons worked very well on this map, warthogs are un needed and the pathways would be a that tiny bit small...
I played this earlier today with you and like 12 other players it was a mad and a very close game. It plays very well the only thing i hated was...