Its set to Australia but atm cant even connect to EA at all. This happened to me in BFbc2 It would just lock me out of multiplayer
Well i can't find any severs still and when i go to quick match it disconnects each time. Connection lost to EA. This happened to me with Bf bc2...
Are the servers still down on xbox? i still cant get a match. And im a bit confused on how origin works. I have a account and i can log in but i...
Epic Fail at end! but nice video the other team had nothing they could of really done which made it pretty darn easy for you
That's another awesome band Within Temptation! just amazes me!
Yeah prob not that haha. I am more into the symphonic metal side of it. Just a bit to heavy i really into bands that are heavy but not...
Wow its been a pretty long time since i have posted a thread, but lets get to the point of this thread shall we! In the past few months metal...
Im guessing theres a tank in the first picture? I see a tank in the last two photos. Just by looking at it the tank can't go no where therefore...
Im on the last stage of ultimate battle zone and i can not just seem to beat it, its freaking impossible. If anyone has the game or has played...
Although this is awesome, this warthog looks like a light version of the main warthog. Since you can't really do anything as you have said your...
Narrows inspired im guessing. Great map judging from the video 2 vs 2 or even up to 3 vs 3 but that would be really pushing it. The side paths...
YouTube - Why won't my rockets fire Rocket launcher jammed up on me lol
Don't watch unless you 16 or over This video is awesome and funny, and very creative YouTube - WTF COLLECTIVE (Jon Lajoie)
yeah i should be able to get enough PCI slots on my new computer. Im trying to get this computer to be real good with games and so i won't have to...
Whats your most favourite thing to do, other then gaming? Mine would be Motorbike riding cause just the blood pumping rush you get when jumping...
Is blackmagic intensity pro easy to use, cause in the near future i will be getting a custom built gaming computer, would i be able to get one...
Im still trying to find a store in Australia that sells them not having that much luck so far, im searching on the internet trying to find out. I...
I am using windows i find it easier to use then mac. ill just give you a few details about the laptop im using. Operating System: Windows 7...
hey i just have a few questions about the hauppage HD PVR 1: I live in Australia and i am wondering what stores would have this device? 2:...
the thing is i can't even use the media sharing thin cause on my xbox for some reason there has been a update since i used it last and now it will...