Here's my Alpha Site solo record. Team or Solo: Solo Map: Alpha Site Difficulty:Heroic Highscore: 301,140 Click
I won't know til i actually get it.
I never really noticed just how awesome Halo's music is.
I'll get the codes for you guys in a sec. Here: Dutch: 12-485-ta Romeo: 15-926-pi Mickey: 47-074-sn
If a person can't wait 11 DAYS to simply play a video game, they have issues.
I think You'll find a sharp drop in map posts come Sept. 22, then it will gradually pick up until it's slightly more than pre-ODST.
The placings of the AM teams shocked me. 7th and 8th place? I would have been mildly surprised to see top 16.
Firefight. You still making a team?
Well, it makes sense seeing as it'll be easier to kill covenant than another human player.
Check the Best of Forge, there's at least 6 infection maps up there in various categories.
No doubt people will try to find ways past it...
Just keep in mind - I'm Marine mode pro.
lol indeed. Also, you got a team for firefight?
Our infection race is going to be tighter than my 17 year old sister.
It was either lightsout or Insane. They said voting for your map in THIS round is fine, just not the last one. Also get on the forgehub shoutbox...
Well, now I've been told voting for your own map IS ok... I'm confused.
I just realized I wasn't allowed to vote for my map, can you remove my vote? It's under infection, The City V3. Sorry for the mistake.
Um, I just realized I voted for my map when I shouldn't have, can you remove it?