You made yourself lose the top prize of the tournament. Dohohohoho!
It sure as hell can't hurt. Just avoid making that one long hallway like in the original.
I stopped watching at about 15 seconds in. The voices are HORRIBLE.
Yes, the gametype is Antlion Defence, the map is called Half Life 2. Also, how is this thing on the first page?
I'm glad to see a new weapon finally made it in, the sword. I was getting sick of ONLY snipes and rocket. Shame the plasma rifle couldn't make it...
You'll see act II released alongside Half life 2: Episode 3.
Perhaps because all you need to do is spam Right trigger? Oh and get out to laser a wraith every so often. What skill.
I was being sarcastic but OK, good for you.
Choppa skillz, eh?
THANK YOU. Every single highscore is going to be taken over by Lost Platoon simply because it gives you tons of points for vehicles kills, as...
Awesome... now get off WoW. Seriously, those games mimic crack in every way; soon you'll be selling your body for subscription money.
Team or Solo: Team Map: Alpha Site Difficulty: Heroic Highscore: 1,547,713 Evidence: : Halo 3 ODST Firefight Game : Alpha Site (Co-Op)...
You can also use the hammers to push crates into the stairways, slowing down the flow of enemies, and sometimes even getting them to just stand by...
Or you know... use the rockets/fuel rods on the hunter.
Just trying to help. You also know about the rocket pack where the phantoms drop off, right?
Oh and another good tactic for taking out hammer chieftains when all skulls are turned on: Get someone to lure the chieftain towards them, but do...
You should never headshot during the bonus round. Instead, you should preemptively shoot a rocket/fuel rod into their spawn and set of a chain...
For the Alpha Site bonus round, simply shoot a rocket/fuel rod as far into the window as you can right as they spawn. If done right you'll set off...
The trick is to bear his stupidity til you reach the tank. Then you HAVE THE POWERRRRRR!