I don't recognize many of the bands (although I never delved into too much electronica) Is it mostly a dubstep festival?
Good to know lol LCD Soundsystem was a lot of fun in Chicago, how close were you to the stage?
LOL GnR last year. What a joke! (other than that and Blink 182 the lineup was pretty good though)
nowai bro NWN 4 lyf
YouTube - Neverwinter Nights Gameplay Skyrim needs to step up it's game so they can match the amazing graphics of Neverwinter Nights.
Old, but I don't care, I do what I want! YouTube - Bloc Party - The Pioneers (M83 Remix) plus M83+Bloc Party=<3
In a way moderators are the volunteer fire department They are not paid for their services lol. Also has anyone ever played Jade Empire? It's...
It's one of my favorite Gaga videos since Telephone, because I loved the quirky feel in telephone, and I love the dark, almost twisted feel in...
I think it was meant to be Him like God ya know? She's referencing the apprehension of church goers for gay marriage.
She gives odd photobooth effects birth in the video. Good message, oddly portrayed.
YouTube - Lady Gaga - Born This Way . wat
It was Albert Woolson, and he died in 1956 source = Albert Woolson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Me too :( I agree that the Social Network should have definitely won, my friend insists on saying The King's Speech definitely deserved it. I...
I had this dream a few nights ago, and am still having trouble comprehending it, the only reason I find it important is that it was a few days...
I will for sure get that Camo, I loved Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers, I have no doubt Battleblock will be fun as hell. When are they supposed...
The best thing about Fable 3 was the menu system, I liked how it was set up, but other than that, story, characters, gameplay, no change, or worse...
I agree, it's set up feels more like a traditional MMO rather than a FPS with RPG elements (A Fallout 3). I've never been a fan of quests that's...
Someone who watches films I assume.
Oh I actually do have one bowl I've named already it's Radagast and technically it's a tobacco pipe, but it's pretty ****ing awesome smoking weed...
Guys, I'm using it tomorrow, you'll find out fosho what it's name is then. I may use one of the names given, but probably not, more likely would...