I'm probs not going to be on much this week, so you and Dax are going to have to take things in your own hands.
I liked your past serious "Suicide", so I am very interested to see how this turns out. Out of curiosity, why are you doing this in Halo 3?
Sadly, yes :( But we are considering extending it if we can come up with more constraints. If anyone have any ideas for some, feel free to PM...
Blaze and Equin0x have taken the last two, sorry :( . If we do come up with another set, we will be sure to let you know.
Your constraints are up!
---------- Now go away, you culturally-blind ignoramus. I'm very tired of your annoying ****. ---------- Shoo fly, don't bother me.
Lol, we are pretty burnt out on coming up with constraints, and are not sure how we even managed to reach twenty. However, if more people show...
In Mandarin, not Mandurin, you'll either be saying méi yǒu or bù to signify "no". Although you could say 'no', speaking in a native language is...
Ok thanks, I'll try that out.
It was drunk goat not me D: contents: [spoiler]penus[/spoiler] I found it the day after at night and was like ooooooooohh shiiiiit. At least it...
Well this explains so much.
Would you like 12&18 to be your constraints, as 18&12 are taken?
I got this description from Joel McDonald's Competitive Design Guide. Link: http://www.goodstuffmaynard.com/portfolio/independent/cdg/index.html...
v *** lololololololololo
12 is taken from elements and 18 is taken from layouts, so I'm going to take your second request for 18/18 and merge it with your initial to...
This right here may be the strangest Machinima I've ever watched..... I think you did a great job, bro!
Reminder: Constraints function on a first come, first serve basis. If someone has already chosen a constraint, you may not choose the same one.
New constraints to be released verrrrryyy soon.
house party