Oh shiz, I mixed him up with Erupt. Forge Hub - Conversation Between Erupt and FrozenGoathead
Oh, sorry I misunderstood you, yeah we don't have any spots left, sadly. Hmm, actually Pyro gave his up a while back, and since he hasn't asked...
Sorry, but I believe we won't be making new spots, sorry :( . Next time we will create more spots before-hand seeing how many people are actually...
Haha, this is so complicated, yet so cool at the same time. Just goes to how how limitless the Insane gametype is. I can't wait to see if you...
Looks so sexy and original.
Hahaha, that Falcon Hog. I also liked all the clever jabs at Forge's problems, like that one directed at pre built structures on the map. A very...
♥ you so much!!!!
Thanks, bbe. Needz moar random British everyday living facts!
I need to know stuff about English living!!!!
Oh ok. I'll let you know when the video is up then.
XBL GT: FrozenGoathead Screen/Video or both: Both would be nice. How many screens: 4 would be cool. How many Videos: 1 is all I need How you would...
My 1v1 map is ~25x30 forge units big, and it plays very fast. So I guess you could use that for a reference for 1v1, but i think it is too small...
<3 you very much!
soz, Dax has already left :( But for a future time, what is your account name?
:D flr
lool u so funny. But I'm sure you can come up with constraints, and use the private messages.
I'm sending you pms I'm sure you can come up with some.
Publish all teh constraints!
I believe in you!!! <3