Have you made sure that the carrier of the ball can't use armor effects? Because that is an issue that I can see from the get go. I'm not sure why...
Yes there should be. You can also check out Reaching Perfection which will be putting out numerous forge tutorials in the coming weeks to add to...
Reach sold $200 million on launch day. That's only Europe and America. Something like 3 million units sold.
Or you can just look at the archive of featured maps here on Forgehub. It's not that much effort to go to your computer and browse the forums...
No, the motto is never let friends into your forge game. Ever.
Last Resort needs to have the wheel spin. If you can make that work, then go ahead. If you can't...well...
Linu, he told me to tell you that there is a story behind it...No idea what that is but...
Try checking the labels available for the object. >Enter Forge under the gametype "CTF" >Go to the Soccer Ball and under advanced should be...
Yeah, there was a 'low gravity' area on zealot that you can bounce around in and stuff. Not really a space bubble as such that is comparable to...
Oh man, unlucky man. What kind of xbox you getting?
i have next to none hours. just finished the first two missions on Heroic.
The original creator was AZN FTW and he is under the name godlyperfection over at reachingperfection.com. He will be releasing the Reach version...
Here is a complete gametype file. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/105124-complete-gametype-settings.html There is...
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service Halo Reach Complete Gametype Settings.zip - Halo, Reach, GodlyPerfection,...
In reference to Spawns: There should be spawn settings probably under Advanced as infected or human or some variation thereof. For the % just...
This should help. Hopefully... Emosrawk is on the right lines.
Many people are having trouble configuring Objective Gametypes in Reach with errors like "Your map is not compatible with this gametype" or other...
Issue 1. While in Forge you need to set the gametype to juggernaut. Then you must set the object under Object Properties-Advanced as...
This looks very nice indeed. There isn't much one can say about Grifball maps, as they are nigh upon impossible to screw up. The only suggestion I...