Bumped. So many decent maps are being pushed down the forums. This is a fun map. Not extremely complex, but so many good things are simple....
This map is good enough to deserve a bump. I could not figure out the campfire. It confuzzled me. So, I resort to the walkthrough. :(
Just going to say, the rules say only one pic is required, and a description isn't. But it is recommended to have as many as possible. On the...
Mate, the idea is fine as it is. To everyone else, the flies have an objective. To survive. That counts as an objective. It's like Coin Slot on...
May I suggest a move to Customer Service to further this discussion? Perahaps a group of trustworthy volunteers could compile a list of maps that...
I would recommend splitting the two maps into separate threads. It helps garner more views and ease of viewing. I like guardout better than...
Fellow employees? And while you certainly have a melancholy nature, do try and keep from downing everybody 'round here. :) Welcome to forgehub,...
I still see no picture.
Lol. PPC has died...but will rise again in a few hours...Like a phoenix
Mmm, I see what you mean. It was really an afterthought suggestion on my part as well, so make of it what you will. Oh, and in terms of...
Awwww sadfaic...
I am a bag of awesome.
There was only one location where I fell off the map and there was no kill barrier there. It was a really unusual place, too, buT I can't remember...
Enjoyment Having playtested this map, the experience proved to be one of the more enjoyable experiences of race I have had, including Halo 3...
Last line has only four syllables.
If that is so, than I thank your for pointing that out to me. I was under the impression that the same went for spawns as it did for placing...
For credits, I just do all the challenges. And play Legendary. Screw credit farming.
Yep. I don't even think there was a spawn sequence function in H3
So yeah.
I saw dumpsters on another map and I thought the scenery options were the same for all reach maps. Darn.