To clear up the reason for lag in online Campaign and Firefight is that they use a different system to Matchmaking. Matchmaking has a host which...
I must repeat my insistence that this does not require an objective. Take a look at Coin Slot on Pennyless, a featured map from Halo 3. It...
To add to ryukage's comment, thread titles must be the name of the map.
What I meant was that you can even do the same thing to objects like a block as you do to objectives. You can make them appear in certain...
Dresh, you can download the video to your hard drive and watch in the theater.
That's fine, there's no pressure at all. Do it on your own terms.
I don't discount a map based on three letter acronyms. Four letter acronyms on the other hand... Jokes aside, I'm just clarifying the map details.
If they are camping up the top, then wait for them to come down. Patience is a virtue. They will come down eventually. They are more likely to get...
In reference to not being able to create a map that is both infection and competitive, there are ways around the poor gameplay. You can set an an...
Did you like the little rhyme in the title? Anyway, my Halo 3 Special Edition Xbox got the RRoD a day ago and I'm wondering about sale prices...
That video is a touch creepy. Just a touch. And to all climate change sceptics out there, who gives a damn whether global warming is real or...
I'm afraid I don't understand "A World Outside." Please explain. This is a fine map, and looks much better than most infection maps I have seen....
Downloaded. Also, Can I ask whether this is designed for MLG as it has AA's on map? Or can it be used for standard competitive play i.e. Team...
I suggest submitting your maps to the Tester's Guild to get feedback on them before posting them on the forums. Posting a map generally doesn't...
Welcome RM (I cannot be bothered typing out your name, so is RM fine?). While some people stay in the forging related areas, I suggest you get...
Hey, what's up M1A1? Welcome to Forgehub, are you here to download maps, forge, or to be part of our awesome community? Whichever it is, you are...
Zealot is a fine map. The space is meant to be used to get the drop on enemies, but if you have problems with it, just don't go up there.simple,...
I don't this update had the KoTH sequencing fix, which I was hoping for. Can anyone tell me if that is true and will that be in the next update?
30 assists is so not worth 600 cR. Do you know how hard that is?
This map is extremely campable. As soon as a player comes up, somebody camping in the middle can knock them off almost immediately.