Necrotic, this is in the wrong forum. Requests for Testing should be in the Tester's guild, link below. Testers Guild - Forge Hub
the next zombie is, i believe, the first human killed.
You can get your map tested in the Tester's Guild.
OH MY GOD! Someone who actually cares about the community norms? It's a miracle! Okay, the Forgehub Welcome Squad can help you out, or you can...
That's cool man, many new members here are complete newbs to Forge. My best advice is to download, play and review maps in the forums first,...
I'm not a member of the RH, I simply borrow their standard and methods. Based on my play and the scores for each section, it ended up as a 5 or...
Just saying, not trying to be rude or anything, but the original creator of Conquest wrote this out. Noxiw simply posted it on his behalf. This is...
I believe it goes into sudden death only when the two teams are tieing.
Is that avatar you? If so, +rep for the beard. It's in a spoiler for a reason... [spoiler] Anyway, I hope you can put out some awesome forge...
Do you two want a room or something...this ain't a dating site... Lol, it's cool guys. Welcome to both of you, I hope you have fun around...
Welcome GraphicScar! I'll have you know about the Welcome Squad which is located in here. We can help on any troubles you have from forging to...
Finally, an intro that consists of more than two lines! As you've denied wanting to learn forging twice in one post, this leads me to believe you...
I'm in for this. IK1R on xbl, obviously noklu here.
Most people will want to pick up a sword. Just set the Custom Powerup to active time of 3 sec, and respawn of like 5 to ensure that it respawns...
The 180 no scope can just be a skilled no scoper, you can't prove anything there.
There is also an option somewhere to subscribe to every single thread you post in...PM me for details.
All we do is Forge all day, play customs and have fun... Jokes, most of us have lives. Except that Insane54 guy. We have numerous community...
The brute shot [concussion rifle] has been removed due to its ability hit multiple enemies at once. The sniper is far too powerful as it doesn't...
It makes sense, and there are also the multiple Bungie statements to the effect of what I said. My 'proof' as it were, was simply an exercise in...