How is this a bad thing? And how is it any different than before? Was the best Jenga map in 3 on Rat's Nest, Standoff or Foundry? Your post...
you could make the argument that 4 has 13 maps as well though. Just three of them are useless for Matchmaking at least for a while.
Just did a test in Forgeworld. The colosium wall is 10 wide on it's narrow-er side.
10x10 is freaking tiny.... It's as though they only expected us to want to use them as lifts or something.
Now that doesn't make sense. Why would they limit gravzone size?
Damn. One more thing I have to spend money on next month.... Though it will probably be another 3 months for me. Was a bit worried when I heard...
lol then this thing me and Titmar are discussing right now would be 10000000000X more awesome.
If the gravzones affect pallets I can think of one way to do an elevator like the one on Ivory Tower/Reflection already.
My anime, just what I have on DVD though because the rest is on my desktop which is in the shop. Akira Appleseed Appleseed Ex Machina Armitage...
Little flat objects usually made of wood, designed to stack things on top of to make them easier to move with a forklift or pallet jack. Wasn't...
Goodness golly no! That means one would have to use another map....
I've yet to see them in a halfway decent map in reach though and yet there are pallets there. You can even change the color of the wood.
What is the obsession with pallets? I've not seen them used in a forge map as anything other than map clutter yet some people act like the are...
for some reason other than the kangaroo that makes me think of Shuman...
He said GOOD maps. Avalanche in Halo 3 had heaps of man cannons as well guys don't forget that. 2 into the bases, two out of the bases, two at...
I know, I just figured I have the opportunity so I may as well offer it. If people don't want it then meh.
Was only offering because I get my copy 17 hours before the earliest in the states. so if anyone wanted to see what the custom game options were...
If I did a live stream when I get the game just walking through forge and custom game settings would anyone watch it?
12 kingdoms. Sets out a story arc and then just drops it unfinished with no explanation of how it got to it's current point and then the whole...
were it everywhere you would have seen it by now lol. I'm sure there will be one somewhere, probably Halocouncil since or reddit someone over...