FX were **** from day 1 anyway. Only even half worth it on infection maps and they still didn't add a whole hell of a lot to the map then.
Is that a no they cannot do that at all or just in the default settings? As in can you allow them to pick up other weapons.
I want to know how they are going to explain the lack of those other ships in halo 4.
Maybe they finally added that in in Halo 4 and this is how they tell us lol. It would be a sort of successor to the one shot to the back hunters...
Guys, Shuman is just a pessimist. If he wants to be that way and hate on everything before he tries it himself then let him. Nothing wrong with it...
I still think it's bullshit that they are giving away codes for XP in the game before it's even out only in the states and canada I think.
nope. Just Japan.
That one could actually be Patlabor: The Movie.
Prefer the older gundams myself. Wing is probably the latest I would go. After that it went all cutsie little kids. Little known trivia,...
That's not really conclusive dude. Could have been the sword but could also been his shields popping from the other guy's attack.
Just started a hardcore world in 1.4 today. Spawned in a jungle not 20 blocks from a temple. Looted it and now made it my base. Started a mine,...
[IMG] In conlclusion, Halo 4 is gay sex...
They are talking about for split screen mostly I think, and with all that z-fighting I can almost guarantee there will be some when looking at...
probably why you were not straight up banned. If it were even campaign or spartan ops, anything story related you probably would have been banned...
To be honest with you, if you have to phase things together so far that it creates any more than just a tiny tiny sliver of possible z fighting...
One of the cooler things I think about Champloo is that Mugen is voice by Steve Blum (This dude is everywhere really but Spike from BeBop is the...
I think you can spot the folks that have been forging since 3 vs the ones that started with reach. All the things so many people are bitching...
Beatboxing swordsmen and tagging ninjas......... wtf.
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Nope. Reach forge and 4's forge to me is most comparable to Foundry and Sandbox. Some new stuff, but not enough of a change to core things to...