The podcast features Monty this week as well and he discusses the new show.
The only thing I don't like about matchmaking is the drop in/out. I hate going to search for a game and then not only do I not get to vote for a...
Do not open if you've not beaten campaign. No story reveal but... [spoiler]
Remember though that Romeo got nearly sliced in half by a gravity hammer and the biofoam helped him for several hours afterwards. He was even able...
For those of you here that follow Red vs Blue you would have gotten a nice surprise after the credits. Monty (the guy in charge of animation for...
Early access to them because of Limited edition. And I have seen others using them at lower ranks than I am currently. I'm only SR9
minor dissapointment with my copy of this that came with the LE of Halo 4. The 'Extended" cut isn't that extended. And so far can only be accessed...
Anyone who ordered the LE having trouble with the specializations not being unlocked? Also, the Forrunner sniper shows a hell of a laser beam...
Flood is hell fun. but people already found some cheap camp spots lol
something kinda annoying with oddball. When the enemy team has the ball there are two waypoints on the ball carrier. One saying Kill and then the...
Yep make everything all the same colour and texture so that only people that make aesthetic maps can do interesting things where the people that...
14 hours to go and here I am stuck in class doing review for the exam in a few weeks...
My childhood just got more awesome. Watching Naruto again to catch up sort of and Choji's voice clicked for where I've heard it before finally....
Someone took the 'Call of Halo 4' jokes a bit far by the sounds of those lol. Anyway, one more day till I get my copy. Need to think of a super...
And given his dislike of modern shooters and views on games that focus more on multiplayer than single player, I think we can tell how his review...
Auburn don't worry. I've already had so much of Naruto spoiled through this thread. And I don't really care that much anyway. Anime is generally...
On the flipside of it, some puzzle maps will lose an interesting game mechanic.
Good thing my lazy ass no longer has to do a live stream to answer these questions. There are a lot more than I was anticipating. BTW Silence,...
Until it crashes into Requiem...
Just finished Corpse Princess. Good story but would have been better without the excessive boobage. Also, I have a lot of Naruto to catch up on...