Except some of the race maps but they only worked because if you fell off you respawned on your mongoose at the last check point you crossed....
Personally I just wish people would stop bitching about the lack of a forgeworld. Sure they could have mace the spaces in the forgemaps we have...
In Matchmaking. Was playing with Brodelsky and he said he was still doing it so I gave it a try for the first time and sure enough it's still...
We say it because they have been jerking our chain up to this point saying they fixed this and that or that no there is no problem, that they...
Still nothing about the file browser. I honestly think they have completely given up on halo 4. No longer trying to fix broken **** instead just...
For those that keep saying that consoles are restricted spec wise on hardware to earn manufacturers more money you need to keep in mind that the...
Actually I can call bullshit on that picture. Those must have been the backup servers because there is no infinity challenge playlist that has...
As of right now: Inf Challange CTF 11853 Inf Slayer 27330 Big Team 40482 Crimsom 1432...
Yet another bullshit list. Where is Akira? Ghost in the Shell? Two movies without wich Anime would not be as big as it is today. Vampire Hunter...
Probably because a lot more people would have bought CEA the game and just happened to get the maps as a side bonus, versus just having to buy the...
Welcome to the GoO brother. We always find a way.
Just posted this in the RT forums due to Halo 4 being the obvious favorite for game of the year in their podcast awards. Not that their award...
have not read the entire thread but in regards to jetpacking out of the map, depending on it's size you could try inverting some gravity zones...
Also the crane that endlessly picks up one giant glue stick, moves it to the platform next to the track, then waits a bit before picking it up...
Had a grunt in a ghost splatter two elites via the old Sudden acceleration sideways out of the map glitch from Reach. Also a funny thing to have...
Iwas under the impression that the LE only gave early access to the specializations and that EVERYONE would have them eventually.
I have the LE as well and I think what they are doing is bullshit. I got to select the any of the other six right from the start so I was able to...
I got a code even though I have the LE. Maybe you guys that have not gotten a code can try to bribe others like me the way someone did me lol.
So is Evangelion rebuild like actually a sequel or is it just a continuation of the remastering version?
It's probably just them sending out the codes to unlock the ability to go higher than 70 now. So nothing super special you are just finally able...