Nope, that'll pretty much do it.
What are you reading this for?! It's out, go play it, you don't need that sanity you're holding on to anyway....
Indeed. It's not quite as nice as being able to shoot the powerup, but it would do the trick.
Very good point, because I just tested it and it doesn't work. As soon as the platform despawns, the powerup continues to fall. I even left the...
Yeah, the same scripting method I've shown for static weapon timers will also work for what you want. Setup the following: TImer: On Once:...
To be fair, I was using the more "complex" objects; bunkers, window coliseums, walkway larges, wall coliseums, etc. I was going for a more...
Yeah, add on that the framerate issues you get when you're not even remotely close to the object count, and it can be a real pain. My puzzle map...
OK, I finally have a moment to explain how to extend the delay on the Timers beyond 100 seconds. Here's how it's done: The first thing to...
Possibly, I never tested this because I kinda assumed someone would've already looked into this. I just assumed that the answer required...
Good stuff :) Just as a general tip: If you're ever scripting something with Timers, and you want to control the activating of those Timers,...
Yeah, it is true that vehicles will forcibly despawn (with explosions!) if their Can Despawn is set to True and then the Broadcast Channel is...
Howdy. I can understand your scepticism, however... Weapons can't spawn out of your hand, so that won't be a problem. Plus, even if weapons...
So, I just happened to take a look at this out of curiosity. As a puzzle map maker, static weapons aren't exactly something I'm generally...
The biggest loose-end on Green Run (the actual map name of the current Tranzit game type) is a Nav Card Reader table that you can build which...
No new routes for Tranzit, but it looks as though it opens up The Diner as its own selectable map for this new Turned mode. It might also mean...
I'm really looking forward to the new zombies map. Zombies is the only reason I even have BLOPS 2. Notice how this new zombies map has "MC...
I do indeed plan to return for Halo 4. I didn't get into Halo Reach as much as I should have really. I'm hoping to make up for that in Halo 4 :D
Sorry bro, the Paradox Forgers site doesn't exist anymore. Also the forgers themselves are not active in Reach either. You'll have to wait until...
Remember when I said I would play this map? Bam, I finally popped in Halo Reach and gave this map a spin. Since I'd already played the...
nou post a map. Maybe I'll finish my puzzle map... LOL