You missed off the final verse: "And a whole host of maps were crafted with care, But it mattered not, for there was no File Share." (jokes!)
Yep, by removing co-op forging. Ho ho!
Actually, in regards to the Scripting, there's still one thing I don't understand - I've seen it mentioned here in the forums, and also in...
Dat Scripting tease Doe From the briefest of glimmers that I saw from it, it definitely looks to have a completely different structure to how...
After all this rhetoric, if 343 turn around now and give us custom thumbnail images for our Forge maps, before providing is with a...
Something mind-bendingly trippy, hopefully - Scripting don't fail me now! Also puzzle maps, and maybe I'll take a stab at some mini game ideas too.
Yeah, there's only so far that you'll be able to go with Forge's fan-dangly new Scripting lol ;)
I feel like Halo 5 can get away with the lack of community content and features until shortly after Christmas. But once we head into the New...
This is kinda less to do with Forge, and more to do with the available Custom GameTypes. At the moment there's not a whole lot in terms of...
Pretty much this. If they could just make it work like it did in Halo 3 & Reach, that would already be a big improvement (is it ironic that I'm...
Needz moar scripting! So any interesting tidbits about the new scripting? Will I have enough Timers to create a positronic brain this time? I...
We can play whenever you can catch me online ol' chum!
Ah nuts, I wish I'd known a puzzle map was in the running! I would've actually voted.
Not for Static Weapon Timers. You would initially get a 60 second delay the first time your weapon spawns in, followed by 120 second delays for...
Haven't had a chance to watch the video yet (no audio on work pc), but I'm not sure exactly what you mean here by a "sequential timer" system. Is...
I'm pretty sure all the gametypes have some form of announcement with their objectives, so I don't think you can create an ending to your puzzle...
Charred Hypothesis
Or post this on Reddit - you might get a more positive response there; but not on a Forging site ;) P.S. I'm now charging everyone per download...
If I recall correctly, respawn areas weren't a thing in Halo 3 - they were introduced with Reach. Initial spawns should work just by virtue of...
Well, here it is guys. After 7 years, buddhacrane has finally made a new puzzle map. Was it worth the wait? (probably not, but you're getting it...