omg that is awesome, is there anyway you can make one for me but with different bands :)
well i went to gamestop.com and saw that if i bought a 120gb harddrive i get the migration cable for free :D yay me, so after christmas wen i am...
well if u wanna move it be my guest
okay thx, ill research up on the hardware cable, i dont wanna buy extra memory cards, so thx for your helppp
were would i post it???!?!?
OKay, if i were to buy a new 120gb or 60gb harddrive for my 360 would i be able to transfer my data over from my 20gb harddrive? and if i can how...
[IMG] It was the first time i used photoshop 7
OKAy, how can i find the size of my monitor screen or an average size for a wallpaper since i am planning to make one. thx for your help
well here is mine, do u like it? [IMG]
okay, well it might be a problem, cuz i use gimp and i only saved it as a png and not an editable file sooooooo......
may i ask what color would look good?
well here it is, u likey? [IMG]
well i just ordered it online, and since my mom works at disney i got a $12 discount yyyaaayyy
well i like the new one, and to the guy who said it weighs a lot, it is SUPER light, and ITS PURPLE, HOW COOL IS THAT EDIT: WTF, my mall says "WE...
dont worry, i saw like 100's of them at the store i went to
but look how smexy it looks
you are wrong, this was just a way to vent my anger
I love apple, i don't hate apple, i actually love apple. But i have been saving up all me money and i went to the apple store all excited...