haha probably, but it made me feel gooods inside cuz it made his day just a little better
well i gave a bum money today :)
okay thanks nemi! <3 im kinda new to thissss, and ill consult my mom about buying a domain, is there a place that i can buy one from?!?!
okay, how much do they cost? and where do i buy one?
yah i dont hav microsoft publisher, but i have microsoft word, and should i use photoshop? i hav it
Okay, well i just made a website for my mom's job. Now she wants me to make flyers for her. Does anyone have any idea how i should go about...
The one with the gun!!!!!!!!!!
D: oh noes RAWR!........BITE!
i ruv u ;)
numbah 9!
heyyy, well my dad sells stuff on ebay, and i make the pages, but i was wondering if any of you can find a good website that would have a...
Okay, i put this here so hopefully i can get some actual not flammed answers. my gf got me a itunes giftcard for $15, wtf should i get with it,...
ill just do wat you said, thx griff thats to much thinking XD i wouldnt be able to figure that out
um, i wanna get it to default settings, like just only the stuff it came with :P
My moms computer is COMPLETELY screwed up, and she wants me to clear everything off of it and start from scratch, how do i do this. <3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLEgaM80Blo&fmt=18 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLEgaM80Blo&fmt=18
lol, the sam voice wouldnt do well in my video XDDDDDD
okay, i hate doin voice overs, do u have any suggestions XD of good programs, cuz my voice always sounds borin
nm nm, makin a christmas halo video hbu?