I make gay jokes sometimes, does that mean I'm gay?
Somebody is gunna get some on the daily. DC, I'm not sure about grizzly, its a lot smoother than cope, but I'm not sure if I like it
I should've bought some this morning and had it in all day. Last day of classes was today for me woo hoo.
I've seen that, and almost got it to screw with my teachers. Doesn't look like it'd be that good though
Seeds could be a good way, but I'd rather stick with dip than have seeds all day, I mean ****
But he doesn't smoke, he dips.... I've dipped on planes before, its more fun than you think. But that was when I used to get headrushes. Btw DC...
That's the first like I've had in a while Stouf, thank you.
Tobacco is good for you. The companies say so.
Don't go into gas stations, 711s, anywhere that sells tobacco basically, just don't buy any? Generally if you have enough willpower, you can just...
I'll give you one.... for a price.
One dollar.
Yes, listen to the rich pron
What if I said that was the goal of the Russians during the Cold War, and that they will rule the world in 23 years.
Jesus *****.
Can't wait for that.... Actually, I'm really excited, but that's besides the point.