No. Just no. We don't need a buffed up armor lock, thanks. Jetpack is broken as is. Jump pack would be better but there's still the problem of it...
Because like the rest of this game, 343i wants to make it so that anybody can use everything. People don't want to feel bad when they can't hit a...
Looks like a very nice Sanctuary/Simplex hybrid styled map! Seems a tad small though, especially with sprint and AA's involved. I guess it's far...
Well, I guess you're right that it's not exactly original. We can definitely agree Halo 4 ruined multiplayer though. Reach was good in idea, but...
Halo 4 wasn't original either :P. No other console games have had all that in one package, nor have they given vast map editing abilities (I know...
Well, as far as things that haven't been done before, I was meaning more in terms of mechanics and gameplay ideas as opposed to storyline and...
Halo 3 wasn't perfection. There's no such thing as perfect. Forge can be vastly improved, as can playlists. They could have vast amounts of custom...
Halo 2 also added Arbiter Campaign missions and playable elites in multiplayer, along with gametypes like Assault and Zombies. Accurate...
Except 343i said they were following canon with Halo 4, hence why to get a real understanding of the game you had to actually read the books. (As...
I know, but I'm talking more on a campaign level of play than anything. If they were really focusing on gameplay, they wouldn't have given the...
... So what's up with the BR? You'd think that as time passed and new technology was added, the BR would become a better weapon, right? So why has...
Halo's 1-3 had faster killtimes (with the Magnum being at 0.6s which is still faster than most call of duty weapons, if not all) as compared to...
My only complaint is the Light Rifle buff. They shouldn't buff the Light Rifles red reticule range, they should nerf the DMR's. Part of the...
Very good looking remake! I've only got two complaints. First is elbow. It doesn't look quite right (imo). Second is the missing jumps/ledges that...
Well, that was a fantastic read! Clearly I've got a long way to go as a forger... a very long way. Looks like I've got a ton of reading to do in...
Everyone here needs to take a chill pill. Arcasius, he was offering map feedback. Whether or not you choose to accept said feedback is up to you,...
From the screenshots, the second and third map look fantastic. Really like what you did with the spire on the last one, and the second one had a...
Ramps are pretty easy. [IMG] First, make the bottom 2x2. There's a measuring unit on the bottom right that'll tell you how big it is while you're...
I'd be up for this.
Any pics or description for your map?