It's basically Halo Wars for the PC/Tablets... Well that's underwhelming.
Mind if I go post this over on the waypoint forums? EDIT: Never mind, got beaten by a mile.
Voted (but you know that already). I think a weather option would be great if Halo 5 can support it. (It should, considering it should be on Xbox...
The match I played on here in the Infinity playlist was definitely not pleasant. Although I have a feeling that's because it was the borked...
Graph paper... that's actually a really good idea. I'll definitely be keeping that in mind, thanks.
I'd laugh so hard if that happened, and the proceed to put my fist through my monitor in disgust.
Well, I got thinking about it for a second and as long as a team is working together, maybe it's not too campable. There's a pretty decent...
So I haven't posted a map in months (for a couple reasons, but that's besides the point) and I seem to be unable to build anything decent. I'll...
I tried valves "Hammer" editor a couple days ago. Needless to say, I had no idea what I was doing... Just kidding, I still have no idea what I'm...
I think I commented on that map, not totally sure. I know there's been a map editor since CE, but I was never able to get a copy of CE so I've...
Map looks alright, but those upper lofts (red and blue) seem pretty campable. Only two ways up (that are obvious in the screens), with one being a...
Just going to take a minute and point out their flagships abysmal population right now. What they did really damaged peoples outlook on halo (not...
Do I get a free virus with that to?
What are your favourite video game characters overall? Basically,the characters you thought were truly amazing and really complemented the game as...
[SPOILER] tl;dr: No you're not the only one, but I don't like it and frankly it could be 10x better at least.
So, I found this picture a few minutes ago. I have no idea how much of this is true, or if any of it is true, but if there is anything that is...
*Slow clap* Well played Sony, very well played.
As someone with terrible internet, yeah, this is why I likely won't be getting the nextbox. I can barely connect on a good day, and developers...
The Aesthetics are beautiful, reminds me a lot of Epitaph from Halo 3, which was one of my favourite maps. Very, very well put together...
Well, I didn't mean a waste in that sense, but many people expressing distaste for a few things does show a possibility that it isn't reaching...