Well, to be fair he is correct. The 1x4 pillars were much tinner in the Halo 2 version (see above screenshot that you posted) and so were the...
Now I'm sorry. You weren't being sarcastic? Apperantly I've seen too many passive agressive posts like that in the past. My apologies if I...
... and this isn't reactionary drama? Nobody said you had to agree with me/them or any given reasoning. Going on a passive agressive rant because...
Uhh... were you expecting a different response? I mean really now, this is the internet we're talking about. Reactionary Drama is probably the...
[IMG] Press the circled button, enter the url of your image, and press ok :)
Agreed. It's not like it's gonna make people camp all game, every game, but I just gotta say it's a pointless achievement encouraging arguably the...
Joke or no, I don't like it. What I find even funnier about this is you get 40 gamerscore for it. You got 5 for getting an overkill in FFA on...
If the 360 page elite thread means anything, 343i won't see it :P I'd expect them to pay more attention to Forgehub than Waypoint honestly. In...
Poke poke. Nudge nudge. ;) And I thought you did a pretty good job with core to be honest. Granted I haven't played it yet, but duck seemed to...
Interesting enough aesthetics. I don't think the green is entirely needed but it's not bad. I think an overview would be good howevever, as it's...
Might want to embed those images. Most people won't care to put the time or the effort into opening the links and finding them themselves. If you...
I must say, this makes me wish my Halo 4 disc WASN'T broken, and few things are able to do that these days... Solid 10/10 for aesthetics. Could...
Out of curisioty, what pieces are you using to make the belt?
Aesthetics, like the previous map, are fantastic. Well done in that regard. One thing I notice is that it's all kind of focussed onto the center...
Well, I doubt newer members will understand the bar under the name. I know I sure didn't for the first little while. The colour sets them apart as...
"Hodor, stop hodoring." - Bran On another note: Someone take that fuel rod gun, get a scarab aesthetic map, and make a totally epic screenshot of...
To start, good work so far guys. Looking forward to site changes. For map tests, rather than having a testers guild, I'd suggest simply having a...
Nope I've had this problem for a whie now. After I finished my one map, Tributary, I was unable to complete anything else (ok, I did complete one...
As much as I want to believe this, you got any proof to back that up? I haven't seen much of oVR but I haven't like what I've seen so far. I'll...