Why rely on hoping people download and play the map in their lobbies? Get friends who play customs regularly and play your maps with them. No one...
DunkinMyCookies, I've reported your for aggressively attacking other users opinions that differ from your own through the use of personal insults....
While we're on the subject of wishful Forge features that will never happen: -Set origin point marker. -Build one half of a symmetrical map map...
I've seen the 26 episodes that were on Netflix...though episode 26 was pretty ****ing stupid and felt tacked on for no apparent reason. I wish I'd...
In all honesty, I don't think there was ever a possibility of everyone being pleased with the maps that made it into MM, regardless of the actual...
Obviously this was just a quick idea thrown out there. I'm sure 343i has, and will continue to spend a lot more time figuring out a way for this...
I'd say this map is about as original as Despair.
You aren't an infection forger by chance, are you?
Refuge didn't make the cut, so we won't be seeing a replacement to Asylum. To me, this is ridiculous and sounds like 343i didn't want to trod on...
Time for some major speculation: If the weapon drops automatically land at whichever designated "landing zone" is furthest from you, I don't see...
I recommend anyone with Netflix Instant Queue check out "Darker than Black." Pretty slick anime with interesting characters and a story that will...
Ah, I've heard that before. Didn't pay attention to who it was. Also, here's a link to those Eminem/Elton John mash-ups I told you about a while...
Gtfo troll, or source your claims.
Forge is indeed dead. Once I'm done putting some polish on my newest map, I'll be retiring from Reach and waiting for Halo 4. I think we can all...
Wow, I really was hoping that the weapon drops would just be timed events and the only randomness would be which weapon was inside. I really hope...
You keep talking as if you know exactly how these features will work. You don't. We have no clue if the maps have been designed to accommodate...
How many more times are we going to see this uninspired, horrendously expected joke? **** off. Every time a Halo game is coming out, everyone gets...
Unfortunately, rendering does not work this way. If the faces are there, they must be rendered. This is why films using CG, where render costs are...
That machinima video sucked. The concept art wasn't anything new, but still a fun, quick read. Can't wait until E3 where we can (hopefully) expect...
I don't know; I've never made a remake.