Glad we are getting another arena map this year I guess...? (Yay, remix!) What this update really needs is the return of all or most classic...
26th please. For the same reason as Squally. #soon...I mean...#late
Hi. Planning on forging again with h5 (not that I've ever really been a forger of caliber). For those of you who don't know me I was a mod and...
Perhaps have the forgers make their opponents base with a minnumim piece requirement and unphased physics. That way the flag would need to be...
I'm wondering what the scientists are leaning towards as far as settings for H5. -Do you guys plan on just buffing the magnum but keeping other...
There are a couple ways I can think to balance travel times while still allowing hogs to go most everywhere a spartan can. The first is drop-offs...
I feel like I disagree and agree with a lot of what you guys are saying, but I think it's foolish to "predetermine" the success or failure of a...
Your map looks good. Can't wait to play it. I agree that the walls could be more structurally integrated. Can't really say more about it until I...
I think 343 achieved their goal of making a Valhallaesque map. That being said, I don't know how I feel about the rocket hogs in ranked BTB, even...
I hate those rocket mongeese. They are single driver warthog killing machines. i think the three weapon pads are enough to counter the warthogs....
A very honest reproduction. Needs warthogs badly though, and I think the Mantis is just bad vehicle design even if it isn't overpowered on this...
This simply doesn't feel like a Fated Fire map to me, so I'm not surprised 343 mutated the map. I remember when I first started forging and Fated...
My main feedback on the maps has more to do with vehicle play which I'm sure 343 played a big hand in. Generally I wish there was more original...
Has anyone invested time in finding the time to kill and shots to kill of the entire weapons sandbox? My google searches keep bringing me to...
How bout referencing the staying alive aspect of the game: Staying Alive Undying <--I like the double meaning Living Dead The Living and the Dead...
@Psychoduck Glad I could help. Excited that something came of it. I didn't even think to test vehicle on vehicle combat. That was a big...
I have some Halo Science to report: After seeing @Psychoduck post more than once about bad vehicle balancing (they fall over from a slight...
SloppyBottom I'm not great at halo, and I don't really forge that often, but I'm good at having opinions and walking in straight lines whilst...
Has 343 contacted forgers since taking the forge maps out of the rotation? Does it appear it's 343's intention to improve and include forge maps...
Since I'm just now starting to use my Xbone more, I'm a little unsure how the friend system works. What the heck is a favorite friend? Does a...